Our Recent Services and Events
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(Leadership and European Union)
During the months of April and May we promoted two R.Y.L.A. on the topic of Leadership and the European Union.
Solidarity Rotary Day
A short description of the service and how the visitor will benefit from it.
Sanitary Service
We donated to "Ospedali Riuniti Anzio - Nettuno" three wheel chair for the patient in hospital
Ettore Cicconeti's Award
A short description of the service and how the visitor will benefit from it.
About Our Club
The birth of the R. C. Golfo d’Anzio-Anzio and Nettuno dates back to 4 March 1985. Dr. prof. Ettore Cicconetti promoted it. A person endowed with altruistic social impetus and visionary foresight, the forerunner of the times that led him to encourage a Road Education Project for minors, alongside other praiseworthy initiatives, anticipating the introduction of this topic by MIUR in the courses of middle and high school education.